The menu screen popped up infront of me, they had the school logo on every button so there was no mistaking in which school you belonged to if somebody hacked your account. •new •inbox •sent •draft •school news •saved •random email link up that was the basics of the menu. I wondered what to do next, the random email link up seemed like a good idea. I pressed the button and waited for an email to generate, your link up would like to IM. accept or decline? I pressed accept, what's the worst that could happen? Suddenly a box popped up, "hi" my link up had wrote "er hey!" "so what you think of this new email thing?" "it's ok I guess... I mean it's like my first time just now on it" "me too " "lol so anyway what's your name?" ".....just call me kraze ok?" "lol fine with me, I'm Zoe" "nice to meet you Zoe" I fell back against my chair, this was a good link up, I could feel it in my bones.
"RUBY!!!!!" my mum once again screeched up the stairs at me "GET YOUR BUM OUT OF BED OR YOU'LL BE LATE!!!" I rolled over and sprung out of bed trying to act happy, that seemed like the only way to wake me up in the morning except a cold shower. "IM UP!!!!!" I replied shouting back, I walked over to my closet mirror and looked at my reflection. Medium brown hair with natural blonde highlights framed my face, prominent blue eyes and a strong jaw line was also noticeable on my face. I let my eyes wander down my body and saw my wide hips and tall but thin legs aswell, I turned to the side and lifted up my tank top revealing a flat and toned stomach. But even though all this stared back at me I still saw a fat frumpy child staring back instead of my real body, the taunts rang through my head of when I was younger and overweight in primary school PORKIE!, CHUBBY CHEEKS!, LARGE BUM! "STOP IT JUST STOP IT!!!!" I screamed collapsing on the floor in a heap crying loudly
After I stopped crying I got up off the floor and looked at my face "aw crap" I muttered squinting in the mirror at my forehead, I had a red spot growing there "just exactly what I need on the day that the cheer team sheet goes up" then it slowly dawned on me, I'd forgotten to do the list! I'd been so busy talking to kraze about everything that I'd kinda forgotten about it "what do you wanna talk about?" kraze had written "hmm. Idk how about music?" "I like grime wbu?" "omggggg no way! So do I but I mainly prefer RnB" "fave artist?" "Hmmmm probz professor green atm" "what song?" "upper Clapton dance" "when I bop through these ends follow me on a trek through the east end" "where we wear our hoodies all seasons licking shots dodging police constables" I typed while laughing "ah so u wernt bull shitting me" "nope I'm not a liar unlike other people I know :/" "explain." " bf" I stopped typing suddenly, was I about to tell all my problems to a guy I didn't even know yet?, I kept thinking until a bing noice erupted from the machine kraze has bumped you I laughed, the cheeky sod wasn't very patient "still there?" I deleted all of my writing "yeah sorry was getting a drink" "what drink?" "water" "what's with all these questions???" I thought to myself "d'you like coke?" "only diet tbh... Normal makes me sick" "lmao u wuss" "O: I'm not xD" "are too " I smiled widely "wuu2?" "talking to a gawjus girl" "and who would that be?" "you. Silly xD" I smirked and bit my lip "you don't even know what I look like" "I don't need to." "why not?" "I can tell by the way you type that your stunning" "lmao. Hun I'm far from gawjus and stunning, I bet you are though" "...I'm not." "well I'm not either then " "fine miss moody pants xD" "lmao so.. Kraze, what year you in?" "guess (;" "aw crap, I'm rubbish at guessing, can't you just tell me?" "weeeeell. I'm 17 Years old" "Same age as me!" "so were in the same year? " "sounds like it yeah " I looked back at myself in the mirror, I was smilling like an idiot. I laughed and got started on this bloody annoying spot that had formed over night, a little bit of foundation should sort it out. After coming out of my closet fully dressed in my exercise gear I sat down at my desk and got to work on this list, I looked at the list of applicants and our scores for them, the people with the highest score would score the highest chance of getting in the squad but as the leader I had the final say in everything. Charlie had the highest score, I sighed and rubbed my forehead carefully avoiding my newly grown spot, I locked my jaw and stifly wrote down her name on the accepted list, I was gonna regret this but for now she would help and if she ever stepped out of line she would know about it and would be out of the squad faster then you can say "kiss my ass goodbye"