I took the long way to the headmasters office hoping I would loose him or get him lost as I walked faster "hey thanks for the tour of the school RUBY " Conner smirked as hey ran up beside me "ugh!" was all I could manage in a reply "so whats that Damien kid do?" "that Damien kid is my boyfriend of 5 years and he's the captain of the football squad" I said back trying to be as polite as possible while trying to resist the urge to slap him silly "and what are YOU" he said as he kept jogging beside me "I'm ruby ford, head cheerleader anything else?!" I said snapping and stopping to face him, I had no idea what made him so irritating but something about him made me just want to attack him, I shouldn't be left alone with him "woah calm it Cinderella" Conner said stepping back and holding his hands up, I started walking across campus again "well I'm Conner, and I come from the south side" I stopped walking and spun around on my heels "EVEN THOUGH YOU COME FROM THE SOUTH SIDE THAT DOESN'T MEAN IM SCARED OF YOU" I paused for breath "ANYTIME YOU WANNA FIGHT GUNS AND KNIVES INCLUDED YOU COME AND FIND ME, UNDERSTOOD?!" I screamed back at him and walked off again.
I slumped down on to the chair dropping my bag on the floor causing it to make a loud 'thump'. I felt conner sit down beside me shaking with silent laughter "why did you tell me you were from the south side?" I asked him with my arms folded across my chest "the same reason you told me you were a cheerleader" he said vaguely aware of the conversation, he was too focused on a leaflet in front of him, it was about the schools new emailing service, apparently it was really good, personally myself I hadn't tried it yet but scarlet had told me it was really good. I leant back in my chair "what's it like in the south side?" I asked intrigued "meh, pretty much hell everyday" he replied looking straight into my eyes. I stared back and felt myself falling deeper and deeper into his emerald green eyes, I held my breath and looked away sharply. As I looked at his arm I noticed a tattoo of a gun with a black ribbon around it. I wanted to ask more questions about the tattoo but I thought about it again before asking and came to the conclusion it was a bad idea to ask.
Dedicated too my sister Molly, god I miss you <3 "hey mum!" I shouted as I slammed the door shut behind me causing the house to shake. I saw my little sister come running down the stairs towards me "rewby!!!!!!!" she shouted hugging me tightly I laughed "hey Molly, what have you been doing today?" I ran my hand through her blonde hair "nothing mewmy says I've grew" "you mean grow right?" Molly scowled "No! Grew!" she kicked me hard in the shins and I cursed silently "Yew said a bad werd!!! I'm telling mewmy!!" Molly said mouth forming an O shape I picked her up and hugged her tightly "if you don't tell I'll play dress up with you tonight" "rewly?" "you bet! I'll even let you do my makeup" I was going to regret those words so much later. The headmaster had given us both a warning, he dismissed conner first though and kept me behind to speak to me "so ruby, how's things at home?" I breathed in sharply, I didn't want to talk about what had happened, if I did it ruined my whole facade of me having a perfect life "fine." I lied bluntly, if I was total honest things weren't fine at all. "that's great to hear" the headmaster smiled leaning back into his chair pleased with the answer "sir please may I go? I have a lot of cheer leaching with my squad to get sorted" "certainly ruby. You are dismissed" I stood up and walked out the door into the corridor making my way to the field for tryouts and practice. Suddenly I was backed up against a wall my hands pinned against the wall too, infront of my face was conners, he was furious about something but I didn't know what. I breathed in sharply and then stopped breathing, Conner smelt so good! So intoxicating. I shouldn't be left alone with him. I hated what he was doing to me. I hated that he smelt nice... and looked stunning. "What did he want?!" conner hissed at me "ouch your hurting me" "tell me!" conner asked getting more angry "He wanted to know about cheerleading tryouts!" I hissed back "Now let me go!" He released my hands and backed away shocked with himself, I rubbed my wrists self consciously "um... I'm so sorry.. I have to go" conner said running off I watched him walk off "what a freak" I mumbled to myself starting to walk towards the field again.