
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Oox-Zoe-xoO, May 25, 2011.

  1. I'm toooooooo fine
  2. :eek: Conner is badazz :0 nice 
  3. Conner walked me out into the corridor with his hand still on my wrist "wh-wh-where are we going?" I stuttered
    "home." he replied sharply
    "you know where I live?"
    "no. Your going to tell me where you live so I can drive you there"
    "I'm quiet capable of driving myself home" I said mumbling while looking at my feet
    Conner laughed "no your not"

    After what I had just seen conner do I didn't dare argue. He was south side trash, dangerous and at all costs to be avoided, it's a wonder how he even got into this school if I'm honest. I looked at conner, today he was wearing tracksuit bottoms with Nike trainers and his tight leather jacket. I couldn't see what was on his tshirt because his jacket was fastened up.
    "get in" conner said unlocking the door to his Porsche and got in expecting me to do the same, instead I just stood there looking at my hands like and idiot. Conner got back out of the car impatiently "what the hell do you think your doing?" he asked me looking over the roof of the car
    "I'm looking at my hands"
    "well yes. I can see that but why?"
    "well I'm just wondering why you didn't touch my hand before even though in the club last year you touched every part of me.."
    Conner paused "ok listen up freak, I have no idea what your talking about and 2 get in the car before I change my mind about the ride home"
  4. Amazing. Pleeease do another update
  5. He is a meany 
  6. bumpity bump bump
  7. My name is Zoie  or Zoe as U spell it 
  8. Thanks guys  ill update later just need conner to spell a few words for me
  9. I love this story!!!!
  10. Conner was silent for most of the trip to mine
    "left here.......right here... At the bottom of the road turn.." were really the only words spoken between us, well when I say BETWEEN i more mean what I said to him.

    We slowly pulled up outside my house gates, I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out only to be pulled back in roughly by conner "HEY!" I shouted out falling back into the seat closing the door behind me, I looked at conner only to find his face inches away from mine "hold still" he instructed. Suddenly conner pressed his lips onto mine, I struggled at first to get him off me but my struggles were soon squished as my lips melted into his, he tasted so sweet and silky.

    I jumped over onto his lap as his hands roamed up and down my body, his hands eventually stopping at the back of my head and my arse. I felt conner shift his weight below me as he silded down in the chair.

    I came up out of the kiss for air "woah...." was all I was capable of saying
  11. Good update!!! Oh is right
  12. In the words of the manly Qin woah...
  13. I leaned back from conner breathing deeply "what the fuck just happened"
    Conner opened his eyes to look at me again "I don't know but that was amazing" Conners hand went up to my face and he started to stroke my cheek lightly. I stared into Conners deep green eyes, suddenly my phone started vibrating in my pocket and conner sighed deeply "do you have to get it?"
    I reached into my pocket and brought my phone out. I looked at the screen and it was an unrecognisable number, I pressed decline and put it back in my pocket
    "no, no I don't"
    He smiled "good"
    "this shouldn't be happening.... Your from the south side, your dangerous."
    "I know but what just happened happened wether you like it or not"
    "I don't know what I like anymore" I admitted "I'm sorry I have to go" I climbed back over to my seat and got out, I ran towards my front door, unlocked it, went inside and locked the door behind me.
    I collapsed in a heap on the floor sighing deeply, what had just happened? And was that the right or wrong thing to do?
  14. Very interesting....