Class and maturity at its finest.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Lundqvist-, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. Alan, can you lie?
  2. Then again this while thread is immature so it doesn't surprise me any.
  3. He says Butt Buddy because me and a friend hit him in a sfw.
  4. No op that's not why . come on explain properly
  5. Okay I have a question for both of you

    To lykon why talk about his mom? That's not cool seeing how some peoples moms could be dead.

    To Lund why the hell did you make a thread, was it to just randomly start shit?
  6. Because we hit you and pin you and keep you dtw for a long time?
  7. Because I can, Anya.
  8. I can't lie? Abraham Lincoln taught me well. All that Civil War rp paid off.
  9. ?well that didn't work out like I had planned, I guess continually carry on with your random fighting.
  10. Good Alan. I like big butts and I can't lie.
  11. If you really like butts, send me 10 hippos,
  12. I laugh at my jokes all the time. How does that make anyone feel cool? 
  13. I guess you really do like big butts?
  14. The money for those hippos was supplied by the one, the only, Lykon! Come on back now.
  15. Lungfish, still waiting for those screen shots.
  16. Don't let *ahem* (nothing but) excuses speak for you. You have screen shots, where are they?
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