So I wonder if ATA has a hunt generating robot. They feed it chow mein and beer. Then it spews out this random crap.
You say those who offer feedback are to say they don't like the Avis or hunts, however for those who do suggest actually interesting ideas seems as though you do not take in consideration. For example a while back someone had a brilliant idea on superhero hunt and many people liked it from what I seen yet no consideration was taken there. Also many players have designed Avis and such for hints and again they where not taken into consideration. It'd be nice to have some ideas from your players from time to time as it is us who play the game and it'd be nice to have something to look forward in hunts that have actual decent Avis and maybe change the layout or structure of the hunts from time to time because keeping it the same it's getting boring.
You are probably very busy creating this and forgot to change dates from the hunt poster . 4/5 and 4/19 it should be 5/5 and 5/19 . Great job in rest . Tho I think is a little fast to start a new hunt . Just my personal opinion . Have a great day .