Cirque Du SoBae

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. IKR!
  2. ^ where did those : even come from :|. I'm done quoting people.
  3. Is that they are up to? After no hunt for 5 days? I thought they were working on a good hunt…
    So dissapointed… this is one is the worst hunt
  4. Any one knows today's potd? Or we're would I find it
  5. Think u dropped the ball on this one ata u could'very had sweet avatars like fire breather n bearded lady n such for this hunt I like two of the avatars but that's about it
  6. This ends on the day I'm moving across the country!
  7. Hey guys,

    We saw your feedback about the recolours and wanting more variety in avatar ideas.
    Myself and PIMD's art lead and designers just had a quick meeting to discuss how we can incorporate your feedback for future events.

    Le wild squiggly scribble notes from the meeting ^

    Going forward we're going to try out the above.
    Three tiers of unique characters, plus sparkly recolours for the VIP of T2 + T3.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us :)
    Muschi likes this.
  8. ? Nicee!
  9. Define sparkly recolours? why not just make a separate set of designs for the top 100/10 like before?
  10. I laughed at this hunt because in real life my real last name is Circus
  11. That's unfortunate
  12. 10-100 get the best stuff anyway still lame pvp update plz
  13. That must have been a short meeting because that board is pretty empty. ?
    But it's really cool you guys actually read the comments. 
  14. ?i hate clowns?
  15. Ata is not going to stop with such TOP 10/100 hunt, they are enjoying the money those stupid flash cc people are feeding their pockets
  16. Same stupid hunt. Making as wait for nothing.....
  17. I'm not saying we're going to do that, but I'm also not saying we're not going to do that. :p

    To be honest, we're experimenting a bit, trying things, seeing what feels right, and most importantly, listening your guys' feedback.
    Muschi likes this.
  18. It was a pretty quick meeting to touch base and discuss the feedback over avatars from this thread. The board there was just to explain at a glance how reward tiers work with avatars. There are other notes typed up as well.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. ^ pretty obvious you are doing selective feedback listening, lame