Chuck Norris Jokes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Hunter467442 (01), Oct 19, 2011.

  1. :roll: errm lame :lol:
  2. when chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he rejects the syringe and instead requests a handgun and a bucket
  3. Chuck Norris hates you
  4. Chuck Norris doesn't bow to death. Death bows to him
  5. Chuck Norris dosnt jump

    He comands the air to move him up
  6. He once ran a marathon backwards just to see what second place looked like.
  7. When chuck Norris goes swimming he doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norrised
  8. Under Chuck Norris's beard isnt a chin just more round house kicks
  9. Chuck Norris Dosent get cavities
    They're to scared
  10. Did you know giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse?
  11. How much would could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck Norris

    The answer: all of it
  12. Chuck norris has been dead for 10 years; the grim reaper isn't manly enough to tell him
  13. Ghosts sit around the fire and tell Chuck Norris stories.

    Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker only using Pokemon cards.

    Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number, you answer the wrong phone.
  14. In soviet Russia, the revolving door slams Chuck Norris
  15. Chuck Norris don't breath he captivates air
  16. Google where is chuck Norris
  17. Just fuckin google it
  18. :roll: I know just google it! I was kidding too
  19. did u see the other page that says No Trolls?
  20. chuck norris can count to infinity.

    chuck norris can bench press a person on a bench press with one hand while riding a unicycle over a trapeze.