Yeah but we earn that speakers EVERYDAY! We get like 5 of it! Care pack notice would be nice, it helps players earn money. Or maybe some stuff that have stats, THAY WOULD BE NICE ATA!!!!!!!
So iv bought 4 bombs now and all we got was speakers,nut crackers and fruit cake wheres the rare avatars and other stuff.
The surprise is that any of you are shocked. Ata do this all the time, rip people off with crap items that everyone complains about then totally ignore all the feedback. Haven't you learnt by now? People sit lining their pockets then wonder why nothing changes
Well this is one player that will start spending money on other games. I just got work couple of weeks ago and would have loved to spend money on here if it were like when I first started. Instead your ruining it. I'm starting to think you want pimd to fail? Just like your Fab new game? I downloaded perfect drift, didn't even get past the load screen before it force closed on me. And I left a note in the review and no reply. Your no longer fun and customer focused. I had high hopes for you guys and I feel very let down :cry:
That's the same one I got, and the few people I met who got one, also got that one too. Its the only one I didn't want lol.