Cholo!!! (the sexy bad one)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. I bet $100 in Diablos
  2. I bet 20 that ryans rs starts whining
  3. Wallace he might??used the pink name be careful
  4. ️️Hahaha watch out guys, a new hunt just came out. Ryan might party hard instead of hitting. Either Ryan has to sleep some time and that means his rs is open for all hits 
  5. I'm soooo proud of my eavesdrops tho 

  6. Whoa I can hit Ryan ? that's a big thing for me
  7. You weak doe cuh. Cholo is mine
  8. All of the tough talk Ryan was doing he hit once and failed. 
  9. Btw Ryan, 20/22 f your rs parnter
  10. You only keep hitting her to keep me from hitting you so why dont you take your 900kcs self my way and stop doing what you claimed i did and stop hitting smaller people you ***** ?
  11. I never claimed you did anything idiot  and I will continue to hit your gf, you had an entire hour to hit me while I regened. You missed out and that's your fault Noob 
  12. Ryan.. You must be a noob. Or u can pin wallace to keep him from hitting your pimd gf
  13. His pimd bae 0/1/? f Iv2 
  14. Nah i cant cause hes having other people do his job cause hes scared so while he's hitting her hes getting his newblet club to come for me evil man up you coward and 1v1 other wise stay your little newb self im done with yall 
  15. So original ? never heard this before
  16. Not wallys fault youre obnoxious and we feel like hitting you. :lol:
  17. Ryan_Is_The_Small1 sounds more like it
  18. Or maybe your a club of newbs

  19. Yeah well it's sad this club of Noobs are making you whine like a bitch