Chocolate Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Nhb (pro) drops 20 of 3 chocolates out of the 4 n easy parties like pp will drop 4 sharks and 16 gorillas see the difference in drop rate
  2. They've worked hard for years to get to the top.

    Stop stealing their chance to shine for once ツ

    There will be other scavenger hunts…
  3. Updated :)

    Seeing some good progress so far, and some people being overthrown from the top ten already!
  4.  it's like they don't even see us!  sod it. Without any promos and not getting 3 sharks max per party I'll never do it. Oh well. All the more reason why apps are just fun and not for spending money on.
  5. Srsly, how does someone get over 1000 boxes in a day
  6. And this proves this hunt was meant only for the high stat players....
  7. In other words, the most greedy people in Pimd ️
  8. Looking at this leaderboard, I feel like I am never going to make it 
  9. Pls la high stats dun get 1k boxes per day… like rehab he has so many alts tats y…it ainy easy for high stats even ……
  10. Lol.. all those that complaining this is ment to have fun with a little competition, yeah we all aware that higher stats with a ton of alts will possibly be top. But hey just have fun and make as many u can till the time run out. If u need help with hippos hit me up
  11. This is hard when you do not have alts
  12. ^ true but i guess pimd doesnt care anyway.
  13. Those people r the reason why ATA never heard the complains about hunt event
  14. Yay! Go xan!! 
  15. I see what I'm doing wrong. I just have to change my name to <Chicken_wants_your_chocolate>. If Ata made these hunts non giftable and figured out a steady drop rate with reasonable goals it may be entertaining. Candy hunt just enticed lbh but that seemed to work better than any of these hunts where the game is full of people begging for your scav items. Good luck everyone I hope drops are increased to 100x on the last day like they've had to do with previous hunts.
    ️Everyone have a great valentines day!️
  16. Chocolate cake And.
    Chocolate cookies. Fruit juices
    Chocolate chip
  17. 393 for sale
  19. Bella coz Nolan was sitting on thousands of uncombined chocs across several alts 
  20. Is this just the amount of chocolates seperately. OR chocolate boxes.