^ Just stop. Even people with alts have to work more and it is more time consuming than just one. Why don't you complain about people who buy chocolates with EC?
Lol now alt owners are arrogant. This is new pimd … where alts rule. I am not complaining about alts! get me right… i wish i had alts and i just realised i missed a great deal!… i forgot to use my moms and dads phone… so next time i will enjoy the hunt if pimd keeps it this way … "giftable items" but then with those using EC… NO COMMENTS! why because… they give more cash to pimd than u (who uses moms phone )
Ahaaa okay, moms phone grandmas phone whatever. Just stop complaining -_- People do what they can to suceed in this hunts! Btw I own all my devices.
i have an idea to screw alt users!(including me) :cry: next time… pimd please base the drops on 'hits' the more u hit… the more the number of drops. Why is it so… -so that people who buy ec will rather refill their energy to hit more in parties! -people who buy doctor notes will also not be disappointed. -Normal players (non buyers) who stay in party actively from start to end will also not be disappointed. -items shouldn't be giftable. -Total useless of alts. Im sleepy… i will add more… ##screwMe :sad:
That leaderboard shows very few people compare to the amount of people that actually play PimD… Make it fair… give enough time so daily active players can get it too… You guys design everything in this game to benefit higher stat players… well what about everyone else?
^ do u think pimd really reads this thread?yes. Will he answer u or me?nope There have been many complains… did they listen? Is there a 5kcs on the leaderboard?nope. Pimd spend the valentine with me. We can eat sharks and bears. Ops they r choco… i still want my special choco gift… my idea up there is unique. Think about it and screw me up!
Just putting it out there, I will not be attempting to get 1450 boxes. I'll probably try to get 350. It's Too hard and I simply don't spend enough time or money on this.
Lol I only have 170 great job guys!? especially the 1k person lol. I'm just hoping to reach 1450 boxes and possibly be the one lucky winner for the golden gorilla along with the winner? good luck everyone!and enjoy this fun hunt !
Dear pimd_community, since I clearly can't do a pro party and won't be accepted to a pro party where the drops are outrageous since they've increased. I was thinking. Do the devs thought about a scavenger hunt exclusively for small stats and another for big stats since there's a gape between easy and pro parties It's just a thought not a demand or a complaint.
Not sure when this started? But I've just made a hundred boxes. I'm relatively active, (I'd say too active) so where am I going wrong? I have no alts. Only 6 days? Left? 350 seems an impossibility at this moment.
omg. thats a bullshit. Who says pro drops better than easy??! It's drops crap. Easy party consume half till a hour u can get around 20 box. Pro?? 4-5hrs 40-50box. Pleaseee take ur calculator with u Its us who did pro get disadvantage from the drops?
All giftable hunts helps smaller star players coz they sell items for good prices... I had a tut who made 200b in the Xmas hunt starting at 120kcs.. (and still made 350 Santas)! Small-Mid stat players need not try to get all the awards with stats as it won't help them much .. Just one more item in a lo..ong gift box.. Better use opportunity to make $$ Gifting hunts will always benefit people with alts
Soooooo this totally proves I have no chance at being a top collector and I've spent nearly all my time here collecting. These odds make this stuff very discouraging. Something that should be fun and exciting is instead disappointing and stressful.