Check My Claws

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. The idea of putting in contacts with these terrifies me. You're brave
  2. I wanted to get regular polish with some 3d nail art at first but they were close to closing and i didn't have an appointment so i didn't wanna keep them too long :c i am happy with it though i think the glitteriness makes it pretty. It's like i have talons
  3. Perfect for petting meow boys
  4. I am glad you bumped this. I am trying to work on a story and i cannot type for shït rn. It is so slow going and my nail beds hurt from smacking my gel nails on the keyboard, Never again :( altho they're pretty and i love them
  5. I regret everything
  6. I donut regret getting them but they aren't practical to be getting regularly sadly :/
  8. Thank you for gif-spressing my feelings, rosie rose.
  9. I am so sad for you.

    But also now worried because i made an appointment to get mine on. And don't want them to get in the way ☹
  10. They're not too too bad. I can do most things fine, it's just typing on the keyboard I find difficult and that's still doable, just slower. Any shoes that require laces tho or complicated buttons/clasps are a no-go and i have to wash dishes w gloves on. I had my gf help me get dressed yesterday but i was able to do it okay today on my own.
  11. Omg thats adorable that she helped you!

    I start a new job where i will be on the computer more but I'm hoping that if i get them first I'll get used to it quicker. Rather than starting and not having them, then getting them?

    I used to have them and dropping coins was the worse ?
  12. O yay a new job~ and yeah, probably. It's all about practice, I assume. I am less handicapped than i was yesterday. I haven't dropped any coins yet thankfully but fishing my keys and chapstick outta my purse is a bìtch
  13. No freaking swearing on my Christian forum.
  14. *prays to Satan*
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. Oh hell yeah
  16. I don’t know if you’re that lesbian forum regular, but if you are... wow ? Be safe!
  17. Is that what I'm known for? And i will lmao i have a tongue to use
  18. I’m cringing
  19. Excellent
  20. AAAHAHAH I'm screaming ??