Cheaters-What Would You Do?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *JillianClaireOlson (01), Aug 31, 2011.

  1. If my BF cheated on my I would trick them into admitting it: Then make him Introduce me to the gal (or guy) and we can team up and take him down.
  2. ^good idea but it only works in movies
  3. I would cut his hand off and throw him in a tank full of hungry sharks and then when he's about to die I would make the girl who he cheated on me with stab him than shoot herself!!!! In other words I'd try and punch and kick and slap them or at least try to
  4. Him not them and I wud never ever date my cuz!!!
  5. Wait. I'm not from Canada! I dont date cousins
  6. I'd break up he could kiss my ass cause he'd miss me lmaoo