Changing Reward Tiers

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by think, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. The higher your stats are, the easier it is to make the leaderboard. You don't need as many hits to get max drops from a cat/invite, so you don't have to blow through as many dns.

    It's difficult to estimate how much is spent for a particular leaderboard because really, all of your efforts in this game culminate. I save dns and keys and ecs up until a hunt I really enjoy the aesthetic of, and I play offerwall games for ecs. While many players may spend $100s a day, and it is easier to climb a leaderboard with those means, it's certainly not necessary.
    I've been in 2 pvp leaderboards that I have spent about $20 during that hunt. This last hunt, for the first time ever I decided to try for T100 out of curiosity more than anything of the effort it would take. The pvp leaderboard, as usual, just took some strategic usage of my resources. The regular leaderboard was a bit more difficult. I hopped between 2-3 clubs the whole hunt and participated in many flashes. Many of the resources I used, I had built up over the past several months. (Ie. I began the hunt with over 100 dns, 100+ ecs, and several cats). I definitely blew through my monthly pimd budget (LOL) of $50, but I did not spend $100s a day! (LMAO. If I even had that, it wouldn't be spent here tbh πŸ™ƒ)

    In all, yes the leaderboard players are spending money, but that doesn't mean you have to blow a grand to enjoy the game. Besides, the leaderboard rewards are extra rewards, for those who get extra entertainment from this app and want to spend more time than the average player.

    Also, there are new shorter leaderboard quests otw that are supposed to be easier for smaller stats to reap rewards in. They just went through beta testing, so I would guess they will be arriving in app soon.
    think, Lumenia and Muschi like this.
  2. Oh, fr?
  3. Maybe, maybe not. Depends how the beta results went. 🌚 I liked the feature and really hope it's released!
    Muschi likes this.
  4. I just read "total" and presumed annual. But like, also thought that was way too little. πŸ˜‚
  5. I didn't even know there was a beta test for something like that going on.
  6. I’m happy to hear that they’re beta testing something new. Something similar to what... I... suggested πŸ‘€ looks like I was on to something.
  7. Everyone can't be a winner.