Cereal Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Lucio-ohs
  3. Unlike yourself they don't like the feeling of balls in their mouth.
  4. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is iconic change my mind
  5. Never had it, never seen it in my friends' pantries, never seen an ad on TV for it, never really heard of it. Unsure of how it looks. Not iconic to me, sorry.

    Not like Lucky Charms, Corn Flakes, Rice Bubbles, Weet Bix, Cheerios, Coco Puffs, Bran, Special K, or Froot Loops. (Or probs even more... There are lots of iconic brands of cereal. That isn't one of them)
  6. People who add sugar to their cereal need to be castrated.
  7. Oooo snap, crackle... And pop.
  8. Considering a lot of cereal is basically just sugar, agreed.

  9. Done
  10. what the heck are rice bubbles and weet bix

  12. ^ this ๎’๎’๎’
  13. Bump because I hate the new thread mine is better
  14. Bump because Brandon is the OG cereal man, and Cereal should get her own damn idea for a thread.
  15. Eff off ?
  16. Facts
  17. Fake
  18. ?I have too many favorite cereals, mostly cause I like to mix 2 or more different kinds๎™ but if I had to choose, Kix or Honey Combs
  19. I would say captain crunch but he actaully commander crunch though ??