Celebrity Game!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Veritas_Et_Aequitas_, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Dave Grohl
  2. Green Day? Are we allowed to use band names if there are two words in it?
  3. Rainbow time people!!!! Tehe!!!! This I going to be sick!
  4. Pamela Anderson
  5. I know how to play, I've been playing it ever since it started. Everybody thinks there aren't any rules and you just post random celebs!
  6. Everyone who is new to this read the rules on the first page! I know how to play, given the fact that I made it up. Lol
  7. Not you two:p I meant the people who are just saying random names
  8. hi everyone how r u??
  9. Ray William Johnson
  10. Where are you guys getting these RANDOM names from??
  11. U don't know who Ray William Johnson is