
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 5, 2019.

  1. Me neither tbh I also am not a fan of queso either
  2. :D
  3. Isn't it a Mexican celebration? I'm Argentinian and we don't celebrate it. We have our own days. 25 de mayo: revolution day. 9 de julio: Independence day. But we don't do the kind of celebration that USA people do for 4th July. It's quieter. More a school thing. There are parades, traditional dances, etc. though.
  4. Queso is cheese. Who isn't familiar with cheese?
  5. Fine :c idk what kinda hispanic Maddi is. I also don't know much about USA 4th of july as i am not american.
  6. It's an word in a different language. Sorry for not speaking spanish?
  7. Welp, there's a lot of latin American countries and we all have different culture, cooking, etc.
    Just like Asians and middle Easterns have differences, as well.
    For example, in Argentina, we're not used to hot sauces or food. I particularly am into it, but the average people doesn't like or tolerate it.
  8. It’s not really celebrated here but there’s been a few house/garden parties happening where I live. It’s like the Fourth of July here, not celebrated at all except maybe one random firework.
  9. @quimey I am aware. I was teasing Maddi, i'm not legit rētarded. Thank you for the lesson, though. I am sure you mean well.
  10. Where is here?
  11. It seems that it didn't post, but I was just saying that it's ok. No one speaks every alive language.
    But I felt the need to clarify the meaning of it.
    Queso as word means cheese, not just melted or certain preparation, actually any cheese.
  12. omg i should have specified. i’m from the uk! scotland to be exact!
  13. O okie cool. Ty ?
  14. It's true, in Spanish it just means cheese. We really mean it as a certain preparation here in Texas tho ?
  15. Oh otay that makes sense. Yeah, we have the occasional americans celebrating fourth of july here (canada) and for some reason people like throwing cinco de mayo parties...totes not our holidays but ig any excuse for drinking and debauchery?
  16. Well this isn't posting half of the things I'm sending, so I'll just say the tldr: it was more directed at anyone of those (mostly) americans who think that under USA there's only Mexico, not particularly at you, Wednesday, I just took the chance, as anyone could be reading this.
    I've seen more than one of them across the internet.
  17. Thank you for the PSA, Quimey
  18. Speaking of excuses to drink we do celebrate Saint Patrick's and Oktoberfest. Buuuuut we do have collectivities of immigrants, as well. So it's half an excuse to celebrate and drink and half actually cultural events.

    Anf they say there's a bond anf mutual understanding between Irish and Argentinians because both of us had conflicts with England.
  19. A few other holidays today

    Oyster day
    Hoagie day
    Chipotle day
    Lemonade day
    Cartoonists day
    World laughter day
    Revenge Of The Fifth Day