Cats, cats, and more cats!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JoyBoy, Jan 16, 2020.


Do you like cats?

  1. Yes

    35 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. I am allergic to cats but my fiancé has like 4 currently but cats > dogs
  2. I'm allergic as well, there are hypoallergenic cats
  3. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Let's see if I still suck at this ahahaha
  4. Why can't I figure out how to do pictures deoskdjsksdk 💀
    JoyBoy likes this.
  5. Instagram links won't work.

    You gotta upload to imgur and get the direct link for forums
    JoyBoy likes this.
    JoyBoy likes this.
  7. [​IMG]

    This is zappers! She’s a big girl & not that much of a cuddler but like,, she’s still sweet and I love her sm sm!!


    Okok! This is my other baby, Reeses. He’s a BIG BABY. and always needs the love and attention of me. And he’s so sweet and all about the cuddles and v overprotective over me. My favorite. He’s my whole heart.
    Eclairyu, Seriously and Carrie like this.
  8. Omg your fiancé!!!!! Congrats
    JoyBoy and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  9. I wanna live inside this thread. Y'all have the prettiest and cutest cats in the universe, tf. Makes my day a hundred times better.
    JoyBoy and Affliction like this.
  10. Oh :( I read somewhere ig links work rip
    JoyBoy likes this.
  11. [​IMG] attempt #2???
    JoyBoy likes this.
  12. You were close

    I've never known insta links to work though. Maybe just as a link but it wouldn't show the picture
    Carrie and JoyBoy like this.
  13. Super embarrassing pic... BUUUTTTTT because of all of y'all cat lovers, does anyone elses cat obsessively lick them?
    Eclairyu likes this.
  14. Zeke's quote of the day: Speak no evil
    Eclairyu, iLoversYou and Carrie like this.
  15. O ty ty
    JoyBoy likes this.
  16. Chinese loves cats
    JoyBoy likes this.