Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Faie, May 13, 2017.

  1. *clears throat* ?
  2. I wanna join! What's the mechanics?
  3. Ano po gagawin? 
  4. So people just post something and automatically sign up?
  5. mhm.
  6. omg i want to join! 
  7. Wow another give away from u that's great I had joined early but I was not won let's hope this time for best :) Good luck to all guyz who all r buying 
  8. Can I get a cat?
  9. I'm jus Curious how this works
  10. Huhuhu! If I would be chosen to win the hypnocat I will be really happy and thankful for it. Thank you for choosing me. Hahahaha. Think positive! 
  11. I would love to join  but how?