Cat Cafe Happy Hour! (EXTENDED UNTIL 9/12)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by cclient_libraries.remote_exception RemoteException, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Oh no 10% boost?
    *cries bitterly as I hit a flash cc*
  2. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    It's not just this event. I don't care about this crappy 10%. Every single time they put on a bonus event for a few hours. Everyone in Europe practically misses it cause it's in stupid times in the morning. I like my sleep and won't affect my health over a stupid game unlike some people who are addicted to this game. But ata need to take into consideration about people that are not in Asia and other regions where the timing is good for them. Why does that time zone get special privileges and the others get neglected ? It's unfair. I rather state my opinion than just sit back with my mouth shut. As you can see in other comments, people are getting fed up with this. It's like ata is trying to promote people to not sleep. Which is so unhealthy because people who are addicted to this game will stay up all night just so they get that extra bonus. Which is petty.
  3. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    But why rage here? Send an email
  4. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Already have ๎–
  5. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Well sleep on it boii
  6. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    No one wants me in normal cc and now this?
  7. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    It'll be a real happy hour if we didn't have to use a kitty lol
  8. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    How original, same stuff but different.
  9. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    I like the people saying this is good timing for US, like yeah, I'm always up at 2 am hitting cats in the middle of the week ?
  10. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    funny af tbh :lol:
  11. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    You do realize half the people in USA are sleeping too? This time is 10pm - 5 am for me in the USA. So don't get all upset that you'll be sleeping because you're not the only ones missing out on stuff ๎’
  12. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Literally no one is allowed sleep ?
  13. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    They favourite ASIAN cuz they are the one that spends lots of cash on this game.? Greed greed greed... Tsk tsk tsk
  14. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    All anybody does is complain. Shut up, they don't care.
  15. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    oh look someone frequently in cc clubs whining about cc events
    seems legit
  16. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

  17. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Oh look someone judging me for giving my opinion!
  18. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    Could you also quote the specific part that I'm whining thanks ?
  19. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    10pm isn't exactly late if you're not a 13 year old so you've still got some of the event.

    In Europe, there's a few hours in the morning to get a few parties in so its the opposite issue from the USA. Presumably Asia is a big spending market so that's why it's perfect over there. Or, just perhaps, they didn't think like that at all and just thought, hey, it's early evening where we are, everyone's home from work and school so will be online, rest of the world? Oh, didn't think of that.....

    To be honest, I'm not sure why it's such an issue. It's 10%. It sucks! Save your spending and in a week or so they'll offer something better. Jeez people....
  20. Re: Cat Cafe Happy Hour!

    10% extra payout? i'll wait for a real promo