Oh dear God Chris, you again?! You were a waste of my time then, you're a waste of it now. I don't even need to be here, because Faith will bury you herself. She doesn't need my help to squish an ant like you. Now if you'll excuse me, I refuse to continue in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
^ I have a 130B AT LIKE 142kcs/142kcs, She's more active than a VOLCANO! Hire away (don't tell her I sold her )
DONT LET THIS DIE, it has potential to reach like 20 pages. It must REACH it's full potential before withering awayyyy!
I support this thread... What makes Cat Cafe Castle so different from the rest? Ive been in afew cat cafe parties over the last few weeks and I can honestly say hand on heart some of the members there (owner & admin) are the best by far. Some people (mentioning no names) in cat cafe castle are a bunch of bullies and will make anyones stay feel unwelcome once their cat is used. Rant over...