Caribbean Cruise RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LadySapphire, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. It will if we get out and say maybe grab a burger.

    -I grin-
  2. (then gir gets free hugs)
  3. *puts on studded belt suspenders and shoes* time to explore *runs out of room*
  4. It's alright cassie..
    -i turn around to get back into my cabin-
  5. -smiles softly-

    Looks like you won this one.
  6. -turs back at her-
  7. *drags bookbag behind me* what to do todayyyyy
  8. "Nevermind...", I look at my feet and walk into my room, grab my key and walk towards the pool.
  9. (Random note I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean)
    Walks back to my cabin
  10. *swims to the side of the pool and climbs out*
  11. -sighs and sits on the floor outside my cabin-
  12. -follows and grabs my towel squeezing the water out my hair and braiding it over my shoulder-
  13. Walks past Derek on the way to my room and thinks *random person sitting in the hallway...*
  14. *sees derek and stops* hey you okay?
  15. -I turn around and walk back towards Derek.
  16. -looks down-
    What to do now?..
  17. (scratch my last post)
  18. -looks up-
    Yeah I think so..