Caribbean Cruise RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LadySapphire, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. "Nope. Nothing at alllllll.", I smirk.
    Guys are idiots.
  2. Turns up music so I don't hear the people beside me fighting
  3. Cassie..
  4. *head bobs up* well this is much better
  5. -I notice the girl next to me turned her music up.
    Dangg, someone has a grudge. I don't even know the girl...
  6. "When is the solo? -Soph-

    "Night. Y? ~Miranda~

    "U shud totally sing We Found Love-Soph-

    "R u kiddin me? That song is da best in history. -M-

    "I hate history..-Soph-

    "But u shud totally sing tht. 30 bucks and cheer clothes wash for a year. Plz??-Soph-

  7. -is startled as I lay on my back and I lose my balance, splashing James-


    -stands up like nothing happened-
  8. Did I do something wrong?..
  9. -I ignore Derek and speak to the rude stranger.
    "Is this about my goddam helicopter? Whenever I'm near you, you glare at me etc."
  10. -runs to recording studio and practices vocals-
  11. Takes my headphones off "Nope I just don't feel like listening to u fight..." I say and starts reading again
  12. -looks down, then grabs my thing and walks to my cabin, thinking:what did I do now.. -
  13. I'm assuming u meant to splash me so *splashes Hendrix* back at u *shakes water out of my hair*
  14. It wasn't. But....

    -laughs and splashes back-

    I'll pay this game.
  15. -I glance at Derek.
    Was I too harsh?
    "Really? I saw the look you gave me when I got off my helicopter. I had my reasons for coming late."
  16. Maybe u will maybe not but I play different than just splashing like this *drags u underwater*
  17. -gets into my cabin and gets dressed again, then lays on bed-
  18. Rolls eyes "Whatever..." I mutter and continues reading
  19. -yells out not expecting it. I pull one of james's hands off my leg and push up above the water pushing him under for a minute-