Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Dec 10, 2014.

  2. :mrgreen: whose wanna 1vs1 for the care package
  3. :lol:
  4. Lmao. Just like what ATA did for KaW 3 months ago 
  5. How do i get care package notice ?
  8. I thought the title said CAKE PANCAKES.... maybe its time to go to sleep
  9. Didn't even got one
  10. does it?
  11. We only get it in bomb drops no other way to buy these pacakges
  12. No wonder I can't buy it myself XD
  13. How do we get care package notices now if u can't get gift bombs anymore? Please explain. No rude comments.
  14. There planning something in secret the little apes.
  15. ? bring these and bombs back
  16. How do we get more?