Captains Guide-To PIMD Gaming 

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Leonardo-Da-Vinci, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. He abused his moderation powers and got his ip banned.
  2. Heyy, i figured you would know more about my question. What does k and cs mean?
  3. K- means thousand
    CS- Combined stats

    Hoped that helped 
  4. Very helpful 
  5.  Keep it up
  6. [u,I,b]haha[/u,I,b]
  8. How to earn credits?
  9. Finally someone posting more in depth about tutors, the most important part of the game.. Ty
  10. you sir bumped much dead threads
  11. 2011 damn
  12. he also bumped ones from 2010
  13. I got banned for bumping the threads lol
  14.  only 2 tiers! Wow... History of pimd!
  15. you will get more
  16. I know enigma
  17. its ok buddy there is always tomorrow