Captains Guide-To PIMD Gaming 

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Leonardo-Da-Vinci, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. *Leo's Guide 
  2. Me And snugglewump0419 just read this together. It helped with quite a few things. 
  3. So that's what volley is! thanks , cleared up a lot of stuff here. Very useful information.
  4. can someone buy me please
  5. This could do with a hefty update for new players like myself :)
  6. You said speakers are given out in quantities of 5. I only get 3 a day. How can I increase this?
  7. You don't get five a day... You Regen three a day with the 90 day award with a max of three regenable speakers. You can buy more speakers with extra credits. You can get extra credits by doing jobs or buying them.
    The Helper
  8. Warrior you regain 2 a day with the max of 3
  9. I thought I said that lol whoops, that is what I meant to say....
    The Helper
  10.  dang lol
  11. Lol back wen leo was helpfull
  12. bak when Leo was I think he showed us people can overeact in a game at a minor thing. it's a game. yes what he did was wrong but people need to get over it and move on. Leo was one of the best things for this game in the times when pervs truly dominated this game and there were no mods (tht were active at the time)
  13. Is there a plunder limit?
  14. Leo forever missed in my heart 
  15. What happens to jack/Leo
  16. Thank u so much! ;)