Captains Guide-To PIMD Gaming 

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Leonardo-Da-Vinci, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. This is good, I finally understand the terms everyone uses. Um, but do u know what merc is? Like I see some pple saying they're going to b mercenarys or something like that?
  2. A merc is a mercenary.

    They are people who hop around clubs and help out with wars.
    Thats what I am, because I can't stayed tied down and make friends ;D
  3. GOOD JOB!!!!
  4. Excellent job cap'n but u forgot to tell ppl how to view awards and stuff like that although it's not that important
  5. This is old.
    I should remake a new one.
  6. Yeah, do it captain :D Woth your awesome Color and sizing XD
  7. Uhm how do we get max tutor plunder? People say the cost of your next dorm, but I have that and I'm not maxed..
  8. No more free campus speakers?
  10. do u know of any clans with pwars?
  11. Wow.. This really help me.. Tq
  12. Y bother - u need a life
  13.  but you can hire tutors for less than 1000
  14. Those have been dropped by owners...
  15. I like 2 say fonny stuff!!!!!! Shut the BEEP up, u BEEP!!!!!!!!!!
  16. This is really good 
  17. anyone know how you can become an RA? 

    ~ thanks
  18. Rainy, go to the Want to be an RA? Thread in questions/feedback