Can we get a Hetero Plush too

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DiscoDisco, Jun 4, 2019.

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  1. :lol: ydb
  2. you sound ignorant AF. last time i checked gay people weren’t harassing, beating, or KILLING any person because of their sexual orientation.
  3. LGBT seems to have an aim of demonstrating every gender identity apart from cis hetero whatever.

    They'd only include heteros is they wanted to try to normalize abnormal the things is represents.

    Luckily this isn't a thing yet.
  4. Fuck no??‍♂️
  5. Exactly @ all the people who ever said the “a” stands for allies lmao. I honestly don’t know why straight people feel the need to be a part and accepted in our community tbh.
  7. Actually that isn't the actual aim of the LGBT community (which is a political coalition... or at least supposed to be) and those trying to make it like that are being ahistorical ?‍♀️
  8. Hm?
  9. A guide to everything you can do wrong when committing murder.
  10. ngl somewhat agree. i fall into the lgbt+ spectrum- so i get wanting to have a time where people focus on the hardships that it took to get to where we are now. (stonewall was just in the 60s-- the 90s is when things really started popping in the community)

    but, the point of lgbt history was to gain basic human rights. to be treated like everyone else was. to be able to go out and dance with your girlfriend at a club or walk down the streets without people calling you a tranny (is that word allowed? lmao, i'll bleep it if not).

    we are miles away from where we were. legal gay marriage is happening almost across the entire globe. being different in sexuality or orientation isn't something wild and crazy anymore (except the debatable micro sexualities & orientations). people arent committed to mental hospitals for conversion therapy via shock therapy anymore.

    at this point in time, being lgbt is decently normal. we've gotten our equal rights (not to the point of complete equality or the end of senseless murders, but that is something that every distinct 'group' faces). being straight or gay or trans isn't a crime anymore.

    as a movement that started out working for equality, its baffling to see so many want to exclude a specific group that we strived to be like. (not be like as in try to be straight, but as in want the similar rights and freedoms)

    ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ just my nickel though.
  11. Just think about the centuries and centuries of you, heteros, being the only accepted sexuality and way to live.
    So, no.
  12. The upstairs Lounge Arson and the Pulse nightclub shooting just to name a few.
  14. Yeah I know that moron
    I was just sending you a link in response to you saying gays didn’t kill
  15. So someone from France, UK, America, Russia, Australia, and othet Allied countries from WW2?

    I feel like we already have more Ally avatars tgab Axis avatars.
  16. Tell me this idiot is a troll
  17. I think they’ve done enough for Pride month ?
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