Um no tf Pride is more so acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community in an effort to honor how far they've come with the prejudice and discrimination they've faced (and continue to face). A hetero plushie would be irrelevant since pride month is about the significance of identifying with the lgbtq+ community specifically. What would you be celebrating straight people for? You don't get marginalized, nor are you misrepresented for being straight. It isn't needed.
Smh. Even before I realized I was pan, I knew that pride month isn’t for “Allies”. (Not dissing real ones but the ones who think straight pride is a thing)
While we're at it can we please stop excluding white people from black history month because we try to be accepting and participate but this lack of diversity is upsetting and seems like a racist attack against us. wE WaNt rEpReSeNtAtIon tOo.
I’d prefer a “straight ally” plush over a heterosexual plus. Pride month was born from a gay transgender woman, so.. no. U do not qualify
I support op. If LGBT people don't want to be thought of as different, or treated as different, they should include straight people too