Can We Design Avis?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by BlackCatSociety, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. i'm just wondering if there's a way to be able to design avis or if you gotta be part of the designer team to submit them. probably a dumb question lol
  2. ATA occasionally holds contests for this.
    ForeverAlice, Day, Rizky and 5 others like this.
  3. The contests are cool, I think the winner got the avi for free. You'll get used to the contests, I wasn't ready for the 1st Halloween contest. This post is a contest for how many times I can say contest.
    -iAriel-, Hag, Gretta and 5 others like this.
  4. They do get the avi for free!
  5. You can send your design to them. I'm sure ATA will use your design and/or use it as a reference.
    Missio, BlackCatSociety and Muschi like this.
  6. Aka copy and give zero credit
  7. Tbh most of the user design designed avatars have sucked imo so i think y'all should stop asking about it
  8. negative nancy
    LeeJarrett, -iAriel- and Muschi like this.
  9. Hear me out... Royalty avis, like King/Queen, Prince/Princess
  10. Not a new idea. There have been a lot of king/queen and prince[ss] avis.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. Plastic, hun, we just had that for BF. And there’s a Rat King avi, the golden crown leaderboard avis, some others I can’t think of rn.
    Muschi likes this.
  12. How bout fan-fic elemental heroes..?
  13. Another Space-themed avatars would be cool.✌
    Missio likes this.
  14. [​IMG]

    Area 51 hunt pls
    Missio likes this.
  15. Area 51 hunt would be the coolest hunt, 100%
    Missio and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  16. Support
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  17. Then let's trade our designs 🌚👍
  18. Hmmm, I meant like.. royalty royalty, as in.. prince/princess, king/ queen.. like the mid evil type of royalty. They could have already done that type, but if so I wouldn't know because I'm not even a year in lol, I just love elegance.
  19. They’ve similar things but not mid evil
  20. Expected a hunt based on the musical Cats, with cat related misc and avatars but got some weird circus hunt instead that a lot of people seem to dislike (myself included). But then again I also disliked the first January hunt in 2019 so history is only repeating itself.