Can bad boys be tamed ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Quartz-, Dec 31, 2015.

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  3. Guys, I'm a female. Why do you all keep calling me 'he'
  4. Can good girls be corrupted?
  5. actually VT we are getting groupies and a big following .and i been told by a pimd person that forums were dead till us kaw people came along .So back off with your jealousy & hate.just because we got the charizma that you lack .and we can bring the laughs too.and why should we tell you our who motive and plans .Nope we will do what we have to do when we are ready .we dont have to explain nothing to noone. youll know soon enough when we put our plans into motion .itll be spoke about all over the pimd grapevine.
  6. Why don't you try?
  7. probably late to the party but kefo is a bad boy and crustal a very bad boy (gurl but its k crustal no need to be ashamed of who u rly r)
  8. Not enough drama. Where is everyone?
  9. so i came back on pimd and id been dropped .turns out guru been crying about me !!! hes not even attacked me all day in about 18 hours . ha he pretends hes farming me yet 18 hours later still nothing yet hes been on forums. he pretended im getting farmed by lots of people yet theres noone. you are a pathetic slimey liar guru. you obviously cant handle me so you cry about me .to 2 clans i was in .
  10. Yes, just like boys :?
  11. celebrating the new year and not wasting their time like losers(like me)
  12. Dang one soggy macaroni
  13. True, waiting for the countdown ?
  14. roni whooped guru 360° and the big woosie cryed about me like a big chicken.
  15. Defo sounds like guru 

  16. Waiting for guru's response. Where u at bruh

  17. why the hell are you quoting yourself
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