Calling Out The_Naughty-terror-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Guys later on there is gunna be that one club that is gunna mess your club up so much 
  2. Yeah when you gonna not be dtw for my alt to hit 
  3. One of your barcode alts? 
  4. Still trying to spread rumors
  5. Nope, one of the people farming me told me, maybe you should have words with your members 
  6.  so dumb
  7. Terror, i'm sure your club is filled with alts.

    Anyways please shut the hell up with your funny post, I really want to leave but you keep giving me entertainement!
  8. Lol that one club that shows how much of noob you are and don't know terror 
  9. Entertainment* sorry I had to
  10. Terror, is crap
  11. Terror are noobs! So no need to say that!

    Terror are a one club full of people that are scared of 1v1. They give that excuse of family crap blablabla.
  12. Also I noticed how NON of your members are VIP  goes to show how strong your club really is
  13. Family clubs operate as a family. It's how old pimd was...
  14. You guys are only strong in numbers 
  15. ?I like dangerous stuff.
  16. Old PIMD doesn't exist anymore 