Calling All War Merc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-DJ, Jun 3, 2015.

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  2. ● dj and i will be closing sign ups at 11pm tonight. so if y'all have friends that want to war, please invite them to sign up 
  3. Are you guys going to hand out reminders to which clubs?
  4. yes, bunny. we're walling everyone thursday morning what their teams are and when to join.
  5. Love this?
  6. I'll join. Lcbc
  7. I'm in I'll be 3mcs by the time it starts will ug before it starts lol 2.5mcs atm
  8. please notify dj or myself after your upgrade, thank you. also, it's 7:56pm CST. there's about 3hrs left to sign up if anyone still wants to participate
  9. Will do thanks for the reply
  10. Does someone want to go to work for me so I can stay home in my warm bed and spam my fight button? :| :(
  11. Sorry? I would but I've been feeling lazy lately
  12. Just realized I didn't sign up. 1.7mcs either side
  13. Signing up?? Bc and whichever side?
  14. 30mins til 11pm CST 
  15. I'm always up for a war.. Squeeze me in?
  16. Thank you all. We will begin to wall Tomorrow. Sign ups are now closed ?
  17. Thanks all. We will wall tomorrow. Sign ups are closed?
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