Calling All War Merc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-DJ, Jun 3, 2015.

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  3. so sad 
  4. Ik?
  5. Go tell eveyone on the war sign up list and tell them to sign up here, u might get more people
  6. Sadly... Bump again?
  9. If this was an open b2b cc invation this would be page 99 by now lol

  10. maybe if we offer free b2b cat cafe, people will join
  12. mason, did you bump just becos or are you wanting to sign up? ?
  13. Count me in. Either side 
  14. I don't remember how to war and when I did war I was more like a mascot. I just like posting gifs ?so I bumped the thread more fancily for him.
  15. Count me in doesn't matter either side.
  16. ?Yayy war~ count me in~?
  17. last call for people who wanna war 
  18. 4mcs

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