Cahallenge Barcodes

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllllIIIIIllllIIIIlllIIlIlIlII, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. ^ I kept staring at this LOLOL
  2. ๎’๎’dat kiss doe
  3. "Abort mission. Abort! Abort!"

    I don't follow football so I don't know who any of these players are..but those white dudes who seemed to fall back without being touched should be fired if they weren't already.
  4. I challenge Barcodes to an ED war.
    ? platy you're first.
  6. I'll give you some Inc's :(<3
  7. If you think challenging the Barcodes will do anything you already lost homie
  8. congrats on completing the process of creating this thing. Well done 10/10. That one job served you well
  10. Poor Platy :cry: