Buying/Selling Zodiac Shards Official Forums Post.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Secretly_Shelly, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. Selling 100:1b-ish

    110 Scorpio
    100 Cancer
    110 Pisces
    110 Gemini
  2. I need capri shards in exchange of all other shards. Anyone ?
  3. Selling bed not in dorm for shards other then leo sag and cap. Add me to see
  4. i just need 750 scorpio shards. i can trade anything. 7 bentos, 77 chibis, i have hEAPS of other shards but i need scorpio  someone please help me. wall me or add me.
  6. Updated?
  9. buying virgo shards
    1bento per 100 shards
  10. I am selling all shards wall me offers
  11. Trading ALL shards for Libra ️
    100 = 1  or 2mcs

    Sagittarius 482
    Scorpio 215
    Virgo 325
    Leo 114
    Cancer 166
    Gemini 207
    Taurus 232
    Aries 178
    Pisces 529
    Aquarius 275
  13. I m learning how to make a viral post

    Just checking
  14. trading my shards for gemini or buying wm
  15. Giving them away for free cause they aren't worth what you all ask for them.
    If you post on my wall, all I request is that you use manners instead of rudely demanding shit. Thank you.
    100 = 1  or 2mcs

    Sagittarius 482
    Scorpio 215
    Virgo 325
    Leo 114
    Cancer 166
    Gemini 207
    Taurus 232
    Aries 178
    Pisces 529
    Aquarius 275
  17. Buying capricorn shards 4:1c! Wall me
  18. Buying 700 libra shards with bentos and stat items. Please help. Its the last avi i have to get
  19. Buying Capricorn shards for bento , mcs and chibis

    Need 676