Buying/Selling Zodiac Shards Official Forums Post.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Secretly_Shelly, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. Buying Capricorn shards, wmo. No op offers please.
  2. Trading 150 Capricorn for 150 Libra WMID
  3. Looking to buy Libra will trade my other shards, misc, or bentos just wall me:)
  4. This is my alt btw
  5. Trading 255 Virgo Shards for 255 Libra Shards. ?
  6. Done! Selling the rest of my shards?
  7. Updated
  8. ?Trading shards for Virgo (except Aquarius)?
  9. Buying Scorpio shards. Please wall me your pricepoints.
  10.  Trading my shards for Libra  Wall me 
  11. BUYING GEMINI SHARDS️3:1c or 100:1b
  12. Uh, same. I’ll buy 100 Capricorn shards for a bento, or trade my other shards. Check my showcase. Would love to get the avvie before my Capricorn birthday! ️
  13. Buying Aquarius shards. Will trade any of the shards I have or pay in bentos. Wall me.
  14. Selling all my shards
    100 - 1 Bento
    2 - 1 Chibi
    Or trading for Taurus and Aries shards
  15. Trading all my shards for Capricorn
    Will also buy in bulk with bentos.
    Wall me!
  16. Selling all shards
    125kcs for 3 shards
    1bento - 100 shards
    1chibi - 2 shards
    Will also trade for Taurus shards or Aries
  17. trading 100 : scorpio, virgo, gemini & taurus & 200: pisces shards for Aries shards. Hmu!!!
  18. Selling
    5 Leo
    90 Gemini
    Libra and Capricorn
  19. Trading all my Capricorn for libra 600:600
  20. Selling
    198 sag
    865 scorpio
    64 leo
    26 gemini
    400 Taurus
    330 pisces
    101 Aquarius