Selling old stat mcs - halloween - black friday - wonderland And old hunt boxes 100boxes:🍱 Take a look at my showcase if you're interested in any item starred/unstarred then offer. Ty 😊
BUYING ♻️ wallpaper & foor for 1C each ♻️ nightstand, above bed and desk, lamp & shelves for 2C each. Wall me please. Thank you!
You can’t trade or gift cash. Usually payment is through chibi or bento. That’s the in game currency that’s used.
Buying or trading my duplicate stickers 1:1 for these stickers ↓ BUYING THESE ↓ Boo! Bao Bao surprising batty Hang in there! batty Flower child batty Celebration batty and bao
❤Selling all my starred🌟, lots of cool furniture, fuschia bows/knots, Greek shards, spinner items and many more ❤ Buying 💍 special engagement ring 💍, wall me with your offer ❤