⭐️SELLING⭐️ -2Mcs for 1b, 3Mcs for 2b -cheap stellarama furnitures. Price on wall -buying cheap celestia furni. Wmo pls
Selling: 2mcs Singles - 1 bento ea Sunset Pudding - 2 Bentos Combined bb, spinner sets - 1 bento ea Spinners - 1c ea More in my Starred Showcase ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Taking offers for my animal stats in Starred showcase Also selling some buddy box/champagne box furnis = punkheap 499 - 5 bentos = punkheap bookcase - 1 bento = punkheap shelf items (lvled) - 15 chibis each = punkheap chair (lvl 2) - 15 chibis = celestia nightstand - 15 chibis = celestia lamp - 15 chibis = celestia poster and above desk = 5 chibis each
💎SELLING💎 Bacon Towel Cat Brooch Infinite Heartdrive Ovomorph Cake Snormouse Animal MCs Wall Me Offer
Selling: 3 beryl peachicks 1🍱 boxes 15:1c Otaku dorm completed + some retribuzioners furni 30🍱 (i gift the bb items if buy dorm)