Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by oOoOoOoOoOoOHONEYOoOoOoOoOoOo, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Selling Maeve and alf set pieces for chibis.
  2. Selling all my Maeve pieces for pre-2017 spin items
  3. Selling maeve set 1 for 20 chibis
  4. Selling wolf towel for 45 spinner sets of my choosing
  5. Selling Bentos for 60 bill DVP
  7. Selling SUNSHINE EGG ?
  8. Selling:
    Hunt boxes --> 1 chibi each
    Spinner items --> 2 chibis each
  9. Buying BLANK CANVAS & PAINT CANS for 3 Bentos each. Wall me if selling.
  10. selling all my blue bunnies wmo 
  11. Buying MCS items, wall me prices
  12. Selling 1 hypnocat on my main account for 2 bentos AND 2mcs item, wmo on it though I'll take bento/MCS/furniture offers and I can drop first
  13. Selling 2 2 mcs Valentines day pugs wmo also buying single 3 mcs stat items wall me
  14. selling everything except for chibis and bentos
  15.  Selling single mcs items 
    ? Infinite Heartdrive
    ? 4mcs Soccer Elephant
    ? 3mcs Scuba Kitteh
     wall me offers 
  16. Sell sunshine egg ?
  17. Buying a bento, and buying Mcs items
  18. BUYING

  19. Buying single 3 and 4 mcs items
  20. selling all boxes in my showcase 5 boxes for 1 chibi