Selling vocat indoor hommock bed Music stujo top Brotein bottom Petrified wood nightstand Trading my desk for vocat Buying dev choice poster wmo
FURNITURE FOR SALE & TRADE wall me offers , add me to see furni walls ?geode wallpaper ?spring breeze wallpaper ?lovebird walls ?artefact wallpaper floors ?champagne space floor ?regalia tile ?artefact floor ?rk’d floor ?pridedorm floor posters ?artefact poster ?all you need is booze poster rugs ?regalia rug nightstands ?champagne space nightstand ?spring breeze bedside spool lamps ?tequila set ?firebrand lamp ?artefact fossil display top shelf ?l-o-v-e ?little mesozoic middle shelf ?ornamental butterflies ?critical gear ?wonders of eras past desk ?grill n chill bbq above desk ?artifact wall art ?boutonnière display ?spring breeze bay window ?rk’d display case ?pridedorm pom poms ?stujo home mini theater above plant ?only yule snowflake ?pretty in pink window ?artefact fish plants ?spring breeze hanging planter ?champagne space plant stand ?artefact mini jungle
SELLING : LITTLE VALLEY WINDOW (above desk) 10chibi ?LITTLE MESOZOIC LAND (top shelf) 10chibi “ARTEFACT” WALL ART (above desk) 10chibi “ARTEFACT” FOSSIL DISPLAY (lamp) 5chibi “ARTEFACT” FLOOR 3chibi CARAMEL LEATHER COUCH 4bento
LOOKING FOR: Modorm Bedside Table (or Sci-Art boxes to try to get it myself)