SELLING: (most in dorm !) ⭐️CURRENT HUNT⭐️ ?Regala Bed (3 bentos) ?Regala Wallpaper (8 chibi’s) ?L-O-V-E top shelf (14 chibi’s) ⭐️ WALLPAPERS⭐️ 4 chibi’s ?Plum Blossom ?Biblio ?Pine Wood Panel ⭐️POSTER⭐️ 2 chibi’s ?L’Amour ⭐️LAMP⭐️ 4 chibi’s ?Easter Eden High Tea ?Bedside Bouquet ⭐️NIGHTSTAND⭐️ 6 chibi’s ?Colors of Holi ?L’Amour ⭐️RUG⭐️ 25 chibi’s ?L’Amour Hearts ⭐️ABOVE DESK⭐️ 6 chibi’s ?Jixiang New Year Wreath ?Easter Eden Tea Set ⭐️PLANT⭐️ 12 chibi’s ?Easter Eden Bunny ⭐️ABOVE PLANT⭐️ 5 chibi’s ?L’Amour Rose Hanging BUYING: ?Easter Eden Bed ?Easter Eden Chair
SELLING: (most in dorm !) ⭐️CURRENT HUNT⭐️ ?Regala Bed (3 bentos) ?Regala Wallpaper (8 chibi’s) ?L-O-V-E top shelf (14 chibi’s) ⭐️ WALLPAPERS⭐️ 4 chibi’s ?Plum Blossom ?Biblio ?Pine Wood Panel ⭐️POSTER⭐️ 2 chibi’s ?L’Amour ?GEODE ⭐️LAMP⭐️ 4 chibi’s ?Easter Eden High Tea ?Bedside Bouquet ⭐️NIGHTSTAND⭐️ 6 chibi’s ?Colors of Holi ?L’Amour ⭐️RUG⭐️ 25 chibi’s ?L’Amour Hearts ⭐️ABOVE DESK⭐️ 6 chibi’s ?Jixiang New Year Wreath ?Easter Eden Tea Set ⭐️PLANT⭐️ 12 chibi’s ?Easter Eden Bunny ⭐️ABOVE PLANT⭐️ 5 chibi’s ?L’Amour Rose Hanging
looking for: easter eden bookshelf, desk pretty in pink bedside table, desk, bed petite four rug, chair selling my entire dorm & adding boxes!
Selling for Chibis and Bentos. Wall offers. Posters Game on Poster Year of the Doge Campfire Sketches Lucky Shamrock Christmas Triptych ABOVE DESK Aberzombie Witch Print Rose Wreath Year of the Dog Fan Fyuu-tchorr Planetary System Greek Mini-Fresco ABOVE BED Spring Breeze Bottle Chimes Jixiang Ornaments Painted Paddles (level 2) BED Festival of Lights LAMP Silver Lava Lamp (level 3) Padraig whiskey Lamp Hellaschill (Greek ) Lamp (level 3) Grill n Chills Condiments NIGHSTAND Vocat Jewel of Siam Cinder Block Table HELLASCHILL GREEK DESK HELLASCHILL GREEK BOOKSHELF (level 2) BOTTOM SHELF Statue of Hanuman Game Guardians MIDSHELF Marvelous Things It's All Greek TOPSHELF Artifacts of Antiquity (level 3 ) San Valeria Boardwalk Park Comic Art Books HELLASCHILL GREEK LOUNGE OLIVE TREE (level 2) WALL OFFERS. LOOKING FOR CHIBIS AND BENTOS. WALL OFFERS
Buying: East village bed Starry skies wp Selling: Regala bookcase Maple bookcase Pascal bookcase Colledge bookcase Hny bookcase Biblio bookcase Lavender bookcase Dormspace bookcase Pascal plant hanger Dns chair Spring breeze above bed, plant, lamp
SELLING Posters: 5 chibis each - All you need is booze - Easter - Lucky Shamrock - Postcream - Dance here now Floors: 5 chibis each - Colors of holi - White carpet - Rustic hardwood - Birch hardwood Wallpapers: 3 chibis each - Padraig paint job - Jixiang Bookshelf items: 7 chibis each - St. Patrick’s Day (top) - Champagne chill (top) Desks: 15 bentos/offer - Brotein (level 3) Above bed: 10 chibis each - RK’D vinyl figure display - L’Amour shelves Rugs: 1 bento each - Corsair Chairs: 25 chibis each - RK’D InvadorChair