Buying/Selling Furniture Thread

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Nemo, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Looking for explorer study desk wall me offers
  2. Can someone tell me what iv got that can equal 10mc
  3. Selling Aberzombie Plant for 500kcs 

    Follow me
  4. Selling furnis on dorm and wall.. 
  5. Selling 499 ec Jack O Lantern Gang for 7 bentos or swap with pumpkittens wall me
  6. Trading my 499ecs Peacock Rangoli for Can-Por Electro Fire, wall me if deal
  7. I have a magic Mike poster I'm trying to sell anyone interested. Add me
  8. Selling ski lodge 499 20 bentos

    Selling ski lodge full dorm ( no 999)
    Make me offers wall me
  9. Selling Aberzombie Chair for 1mcs 

    Or 14 chibis
  10. Trading modorm chair for pretty in pink or baby blue chair.
    Trading bamboo plant for pretty in pink or baby blue plant.
    (I also have lavender plant I can trade for it)
  11. Buying vocat whicker chair wmo
  12. Selling top 100 clue 499

    Selling dank n sons
    999 surfboard

    Wall me offer chibi/pep bentos only
  13. Looking for baby blue or pretty in pink chair!!
    I'll trade either modorm chair or red chair for one! ??
  14. I am looking to trade my 499 ec dragons/books for sassaroo cushions or the ottoman with dress. Or I am also open to selling it for bentos. Please wall me!!
  15. Looking to trade my 499ec books n dragons with a different 499ec preferably frenchie the bulldog but I am open minded wall me offers
  16. Looking to buy very cheap desk wall me your offers
  18. My 999EC furniture for sell wall me your offer fast ...for bentos only
  19. Selling my books n dragons for bentos wall me offers now
  20. Selling 999ec Pirate Duck Galley for 15 bentos or Thai 999ec. Wall me Please ??