*Everything* in dorm is for sale. Looking to trade the plant, window, floor, and poster for furniture in the same spots. ****Looking for a DARKER floor - Hardwood preferred.... also the LIQUOR CABINET bottom shelf!**** ((UPDATE #5)) ~ sorry for all of the updates ~
No items for sale currently. If any items are for sale I will post them on my wall. I'm still looking for the *Liquor Cabinet* and a *dark hardwood floor*.
WALL IF INTERESTED SELLING: Beds: "Paschal" Pastel Bed IKEO Purple Bed Corsair Lamp "Recreo" Bookshelf "Dank and Sons" Shelves "Modorm" Beside table Stocked Mini Fridge Above Bed Posters: Lollasquatch Festival Poster "Dance Here Now" Poster Above Table Posters: Game Nostalgia Poster Cactus Mirror WANT TO BUY: "Dank and Sons" items Any Bookshelf items
Looking for cosplay desk and pc gamer desk. I am trading this hunts (the fair themed hunt) desk for either one. Wall me or add me.
? SELLING ? Beds Corsair Bed Above-Bed Shelves Modorm Nushelf Painted Paddles Above-Bed Posters Beer Poster Selfie Poster Lamps Gray Lantern D20 Touch Lamp Bedside Tables Siam Nightstand IKEO Green Bedside Table Lacquered Stump Christmas Bedside Table Corsair Bedside Table Roobix Organizer Rugs Space Rug Top Shelf Items Souvenirs of Thailand Cozy Chateau Winter Scene Gentlemanly Pursuits Comic Art Books Artifacts of Antiquity Middle Shelf Items It's All Greek Memories of Victory Bottom Shelf Items Readings on Antiquity Liquor Cabinet Above-Desk Items Brotein Gentleman's Tie Rack Basketball Collage Modorm Print Greek Mini-Fresco Above-Chair Items Starry Night Pirate Ship's Wheel Plants Corsair Scurvy Dog Planter Olive Tree Chairs HellasChill Chaise Lounge Wallpapers Golden Pineapple Wallpaper Green Paint Job Paschal Wallpaper Galaxies Paint Job Rustic Timber Walls Floors Ski Lodge Hardwood Floor HellsChill Hardwood Floor Basketweave Carpet BUYING Any Bookshelf Brotein Desk Dark Brown Hardwood Floor