Buying/Selling Furniture Thread

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Nemo, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Selling EDM furniture.

    EDM Block (Green and Blue)
    EDM Rug
    EDM Wallpaper (lazer one)


    Any other furniture
  2. Also selling Spearmint rug & dormlypics poster
  3. Buying nighy sky wallpaper and a bed.. Willing to give a 1 mcs item..
  4. Buying most furniture. Wall me offers
  5. Buying ALL Pretty in Pink furniture  <3
  6. Selling kandi blocks and really just looking to buy any other furniture
  7. Selling my:

    Study table
    Used king size bed
    Old cupboard
    Metal wall cupboard

    Prices r negotiable... Pay for your own delivery n transport.
    Louise2088 likes this.
  8. Selling valentines bed - any offers please add but will want a bed in return at least Please and thanks
    Louise2088 likes this.
  9. Kandi Green Box up for trading
  10. Selling

    Kandi Blue Block

    Walk of Fame stars - 1 Bento

    Kandi Chair
  11. Showtime Lamp 1 Bento Or Offer Up 
  12. Selling Kandi Bed, Boquet of Roses, Showtime lamp, Star wall paper and film study book shelf.
  13. And the poster
  14. looking to buy a film paraphernalia. please don't wall me with an other that's worth more than a bento stats. i don't have bentos so i will trade anything else or furniture v furniture 
  15. Selling glass vase with branches (this hunt)
  16. Does anyone know why furniture won't show in giftable items if they're not in use?
  17. Selling:
    Classic film poster for 1 bento
    Kandi blue block for 1 bento
  18. I think some of the older furniture isn't giftable yet
  19. Looking for Kandi Glowcat and Kandi Backpack
  20. SELLING:
    Showtime Lamp
    Showtime Bookshelf
    Classic Film Poster
    Kandi Blue Block

    for mcs items or bento/s each (depends on the items)
    Just WM?