Trading Corgivaccio Corgi for Creepy in Pink 999, willing to add Powder Play Bed as well 💕 Also Trading Scandinavian Desk for Paranormal Desk or Nuspace Desk
Selling FULL Celestial dorm ☁️💕 A lot of it is levelled. 999 is ladder to the stars. Bed is Celestial bed, not a couch. Send a gif or wall me, please. Selling as a set ONLY.
SELLING 🛍Midnight Ball Desk - 3b 🛍Midnight Ball Rug, Bookcase & shelf items - 2b (can be sold individually) 🛍Nordic Spa Desk (lvl 2) - 4b My friend is selling Spy’s The Limit 999. WMO
☁️Selling starred☁️ ❄️ There’s the scrub (bot shelf) 5c ❄️ Nordic spa wreath 2c ❄️ Midnight ball lamp 3c ❄️ Nordic spa wall 3c ❄️ First impressionism walls 2c ❄️ Sunken relics 4c ❄️ First impressionism lamp 3c ❄️ Midnight ball nye sign 1c
Selling 🌻Heartfelt rug 🌻 🌻Biblio bookcase 🌻Frostfall bookcase 🌻Regala lovebird desk 🌻Capricorn bed 🌻Otaku dorm w/o 999 🌻Vip amps 6:30c 🌻Otaku amp for 10c