Selling: Can-por bed 1b 30c Caramel leather couch lvl.2 2b 20c Botanists desk 5b Teatime of horrors rug 30c ⛅celestia plant⛅ wmo Vampire hunt Poster, lamp, plant all for 15c Alice hunt Poster, lamp, plant all for 12c ?Many of these items are on display in my dorm ?Prices are negotiable so don't hesitate to counter offer ?Not selling other items on display, only those mentioned above. Buying: Brotein chair Miniature willow Various rare posters Pencil boxes
Selling: •°999°• Campfire date Bootleg slot machine •°499°• Football feline •°Beds°• Autumn orchard Bee bed Autumn orchard love seat Beachnik couch •°Desks°• Autumn orchard x2 Beachnik bench Botanist •°Rugs°• Blackletter Beachnik •°Bookcases°• Blackletter Black magic •°Top Shelves°• Co-z Autumn orchard fox Anarch Pirate bountiful booty Black magic •°Middle Shelves°• Black magic Vip x3 Anarch •°Bottom Shelves°• Celestial cloud roses Pirate cargo Midsummer Co-z Cu-tea •°Chairs°• Black magic Beachnik •°Plants°• Black magic •°Above Desks°• Anarch Cu-tea x2 Black magic Co-z Vip x3 Champagne space Midsummer Maple bouquet •°Nightstands°• Corsair Midsummer Black magic Blackletter Vip x2 Halloween Fyuu-tchorr •°Lamps°• Champagne space Midsummer Black magic Vip x2 Co-z tea pot Cu-tea x2 Autumn orchard Beachnik Black modular (buddy box) •°Posters°• Midsummer Black magic Vip Geode •°Wallpapers°• Blackletter Geode Paschal Beachnik Anarch Champagne space Halloween Autumn orchard •°Floors°• Walnut hardwood Midsummer Fyuu-tchorr Co-z
I've received the biblio armchair and I want to sell it but I have no clue how much to sell it for, can anyone help with the pricing?