Buy my chibis

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheCatLady, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. Ahh i see
  2. No doubt everyone knows you a goat expert. Keep your creepy stuff off forums. Nerd
  3. Sounds like a lot of player hating going here. I bet you all hate Tupac too. Suck it EZ nerds
  4. Apparently you don’t even know what a figure of speech is either.

    Edit: was there any need to randomly bring Tupac into this
  5. I will, if you keep your dumbness to yourself , something which you clearly aren't gonna do because you're too dumb to even realise that you're dumb.
  6. Cat lady always angry - walk it off Nerd
  7. True Idiot always posting the same idiotic posts. But again, idiots can't be that versatile ..