Butterscotch sundaes price

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Glow, Apr 12, 2019.

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  1. Maddi ignored me in pub and my heart is broked now. I have seen her true colours, i cri
  2. Honestly I didn’t even see it I just post and leave
  3. Don’t be mad at maddi she is the good one ever since I mixed her up with the other one she deserves a second chance
  4. The damage you have done to my heart is irreparable madeline
  5. Look I’ll go lurk in pub until you say something
  6. LMAO i am out of speakers. I used my last one to ask for your love tbh and then *poof*
  7. HA :lol: oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe next time
  8. If tumblr still existed i would repost this and @you

  9. Tumblr does still exist I was just on it?
  10. Oh. Well then.
  11. It exists in our hearts just like Santa
  12. Tumblr exists, just not the tumblr everyone wanted  and I love Maddi ??
  13. Anonymous, tell Madeline to pass the grapes.
  14. Wednesday play nice with young maddi she is a special little tree star
  15. Well hello there kitty?
  16. Who is this Madeline you speak of?
  17. Maddi I’m sad come love me and send me positive pictures  I just happened to pop on and saw you 
  18. Maddi i still love you. I still have that picture of us in Rio. If you wanna work things out you know where to find me.
  19. Oml you've already moved on
  20. Also what is a tree star?
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