Bunny Side Up

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. There should be a top 100 or at least top 250 for weekend challenges
  2. See You Know I really need a avater on this hunt how do i get ot without using ecs
  3. Love the furniture!! collecting it if anyone is wanting to gift generously or wall me trade offers ??
  4. I didn't get even a single golden egg yet !! 
  5. Can i have a egg
  6. Okay but where is the easter promo. It is Good Friday. Jesus died today or something.
  7. I guess apes will be removing the cat/kini promos for good :lol:
  8. Same
  9. Can you bring back the part where you show the rewards for each tier? Gives me more motivation to work towards a stage in the hunt
  10. Plz send me that Golden Egg Or a Pimd Crate
  11. This hunt make me go wild. :lol:
  12. Hey Marceline,
    How r u
  13. Don't do some event that drop something like golden box..... Someone already get twice and I never get a single one from this even past events... Really unfair....
  14. Some of you may have noticed that the Weekend Challenge Leaderboard disappeared a bit too quickly.. But don't worry! Everyone still got their rewards, they've just been automatically added to the winners' accounts (like the good ol' days).

    For your reference, here are the final numbers!

    Final Leaderboard for Challenge Weekend #2:

    Top 50 - 796 Easter Medals #2
    Top 200 - 344 Easter Medals #2
  15. About to open my last boxes of the hunt, here hoping I get bunny dad he's adorable ️
  16. What's up with next hunt?
    Mardi gras beads hunt or pizza hunt or FF8 stuffs?:-D
    Just don't be lame with avis(+_+)
    =_= Finger crossed